The IELTS is an English proficiency test which grades you based on several marking criteria, and these criteria are called band descriptors. They are separate band descriptors for the IELTS writing test and the IELTS speaking test. 

What are the band descriptors for the writing test?
The band descriptors for evaluating the writing test are:
1. Task response
2. Lexical resource
3. Coherence and Cohesion
4. Grammatical range and accuracy.
5. Task achievement (for writing task 1)

The band descriptors for the IELTS speaking test evaluation are:
1. Lexical resource
2. Grammatical range and accuracy.
3. Fluency and coherence
4. Pronunciation.

The band descriptor called lexical resource is common for both the writing test as well as for the speaking test. 

What is meant by lexical resource?
This means the range of vocabulary that should be used while conveying an idea. The wider the range of vocabulary, the better you will score in the IELTS test. In this video we are aiming at the teaching you the useful synonyms for 20 commonly repeated words in the IELTS test. 

Remember that the words have to be used in the right context to justify the meaning. Using synonyms in the wrong context will lower the score. Practice writing and speaking about various topics by using these words.

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