IELTS Writing task 2 - Causes/Problems and Solutions essay practice questions

Cause / Problem / Solution IELTS Essay questions

1.The increase in the number of privately-owned cars is having a negative impact on both our towns and the environment. What can individuals and the government do to reduce this problem?

2.Many people play sport when they are young, but then stop when they become adults. Why do so many adults stop doing physical exercise? What can be done to solve this problem?

3.Fewer people today visit museums than in the past. Why is this? What can be done to encourage more people to visit museums in the future?

4.Many animals today are being hunted to the point of extinction. What can be done to tackle this problem?

5.In many countries today, the average weight of people is increasing. What has led to this situation? What can be done to solve it?

6.Global warming is one of the most serious issues facing the world today. What are some of the causes of global warming? What can governments and individuals do to solve the problem?

7.The gap between the rich and poor is growing. What difficulties does this cause? How can these problems be overcome?

8.More and more people are stressed today than ever before. What are the causes of this stress? Can you what can be done to address this problem?

9.Many young people today are leaving their homes in the countryside to move to cities. Why is this happening? What can be done to encourage young people to stay in rural areas?

10.Many people today are choosing to stay in rented apartments rather than hotels when they travel. What led to this change? What problems could it cause the travel industry?

11.Children today spend a lot of time on social media. What potential problems could this cause and how could they be addressed?

12.Many young people today will never be able to afford to buy a house. What has led to this situation? What can be done to remedy it?

13.In many countries, the tradition of having family meals together is disappearing. Why is this happening? What will the effects of this be on the family and society?

14.Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.Why do you think this is happening? What can government do to help reduce this amount of rubbish produced?

15.In many countries, the level of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? What can we deal with those causes? 

16.People today are spending more and more time outside of the home. What are the reasons for this trend? What effects is it having on individuals and society?

17.In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem?

18.People today know fewer of their neighbours than in the past. Why is this? What can be done to solve this problem?

19.The quality of life in many large cities is currently becoming worse. Why is this? What measures can be introduced to tackle this issue?

20.Many people have jobs that involve working shifts (i.e. working at night). What are some of the problems that shift workers might face? What can be done to solve them?

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