In order to write a high scoring essay and to speak fluently in the speaking test, it is essential to use what are called LINKERS/ COHESIVE DEVICES. These are also called TRANSITION WORDS/ DISCOURSE MARKERS. The main use of these lining word is to establish a connection and a relation between two or more phrases in a sentence. Transition words are used extensively while writing the essay. In this video, let us find out what these linking words are, and how we can use them effectively to achieve our target band score.
Linking words are used for various purposes, such as
1. For listing the ideas 
2. For maintaining a proper flow of sentences
3.To form compound sentences
4. To join two or more clauses to form a complex sentence
5. To give examples and surveys
6. To show the results and consequences of an action
7. To indicate whether one body paragraph is supporting or opposing the other body paragraph.
8. To explain an idea in detail.

In this video, we are going to learn various example phrases for each of the purposes that are mentioned above. It is highly suggested that you write a perfect, high scoring task in the IELTS writing section using linking words. However, remember not to overuse/under-use them. Stay tuned to our channel WORLDOFENGLISHEXAMS !

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